We have extensive experience building websites. We are fluent in a variety of programming languages necessary for today’s business clients. Our development is top notch. Our programs are designed using the highest programming standards and the best technologies out there.
Here is a partial list of technologies we use.
Web Technologies
Ajax, PHP, XHTML, HTML, CSS, Flash, XML, Java Scipt, Applets, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL.
Core Technologies
Java, J2EE, Servlets, Swing, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, C/C++, .NET.
Database Technologies
Oracle, DB2, MySQL, MS SQL Server, MS Access, PostgreSQL, AS/400.
Miscellaneous Technologies
Apache, Weblogic, Websphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Ilog, Visual Basic, MQ Series, CORBA, RMI, ANT, UML, JUnit, SNMP.